Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Year, New Resolve to BLOG Sometimes:)

My Facebook is my blog in essence as I post there nearly every day, but I don't want to neglect my dear wee bloglet here :)

Here are pics from today's shoot of "Wolfsbane", Matt Wilson and Rennie Araucto's great steampunk short that Tallis is in, and Christian is in, and I am an extra in *grin*.

I continue to work with Elizabeth and Ben on trying to raise the funds to do "Camilla Dickinson", which is very hard in this particular economy :( I am ACHING to see that story filmed!!!

In the meantime, we are working VERY hard on "JourneyQuest" in the Kairos/ZOE production office, all day, every day. It is fun work, but a heck of a lot of it. Sure hope our several months of prep pay off with an amazing shoot! *crosses fingers*


Unknown said...

You can set it so your blog is posted directly to facebook in addition to here so you don't have to repeat information and pictures...

Corrie said...

Oh thanks! I will look into that :)