Thursday, February 19, 2009

College Tour Report

On the Epic New England Colleges Tour:

I am full of lobster in Providence, R.I., after making Cthulhu-mask faces at my insanely-hilarious son during dinner and watching Tallis totally embarrass himself trying to eat snowflakes (insert in-joke).

It was the perfect dinner, we were deeply silly. Tallis has shown me his web comics late at night, and we have watched “House” several times online, and “Dollhouse”, which was enjoyable, but the best time so far was tonight, we were gigglingly happy, and it was like it used to be when we were punchy on the way to SCA camps of yore. This was the first time he had ever tasted lobster, and he told me the long long joke about the desert snake, and educated me about the Bush Sumo and Finger-Jousting Rituals. Much fun.

I love this, and I have missed this so very much . . . very grateful for this young man and his amazing mind and heart.

So far he ADORES Williams College, does not like Middlebury, likes Amherst pretty well except for the small interior spaces, and found Wesleyan to be kind of blah today. All except for the graveyard right outside the window of Joss Wheedon’s former dorm, where he is purported to have gotten the inspiration for “Buffy”.

On the drive to Providence, we talked about Theo, and how psyched we both are that he wants to learn piano, and God and I had a discussion for an hour afternoon in the silent car as Tallis wrote a short story for school.

Things are so much better than the first day of the trip at Middlebury, when I was all by my lonesome and sad. Walking around campuses with him is really rather educational, and I LOVED going to the two classes I was allowed to at Amherst, Neurology and Computer Science. I could actually almost understand the JAVA they were teaching, knowing something about semantics and logic, which delighted me no end. And oh, did I want to be going back to college!

Not thinking about anything but this moment is the key to this trip. When I think about the future without him living at home it does not work. Laughing about our newly-developed Cthulhu finger masks really helps.

Now he is over there playing his new game "Goo", which we both think Theo will love. And we are contemplating our last day, tomorrow, at Brown, and then we fly home.

And then I am back on the Festival Circuit!

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