Sunday, February 1, 2009

So it Goes

WELL then. Heh heh. The second screening yesterday had all of 5 people, including me. It began 44 minutes late, and the projectionist began to freak out as the 7pm hour came and went, as we all had to be across town at the gala. But they soldiered through, though we had to remind them to give us all voting cards for the Audience Award. I know I got 7 votes at least since that was the number of gushing audience I had :)

I had no idea how to drive to the gala so I caught a ride with my friend Bill the actor/director, and we waited around a long time while his parents had some mysterious errand, then finally gave up and went to the gala. The food was served right when we got there, a lucky thing. I knew no-one at my table of course, but they were very nice anyway, it was the crew of the scary murdering-woman short film.

And though we were up for two awards, we didn't win, and I did not cry, though of course I was crushed. Larry would tell me to just shake it off, I told myself, and I was a very "Big Dog" (as my Dad would have said) and went to congratulate Bill for his Best Cinematography award, and spoke to the nice folks I had made contact with, some of whom sound very interesting to know in the future. Fingers crossed.

Then I got a ride with one new friend and went to bed as early as I could, as I had to get up early this morning. I made sure to order a wake-up call so I could pack and have breakfast and be leisurely.

The wakeup call never came.

I bolted upright, threw things at luggage, beetled to check out, and bombed down the freeway to West Palm Beach Airport. Flung the rental car at them, raced to the security line, made it through fine, and got to the gate, and of course the flight is delayed for over an hour. I sure hope I make my connection in Atlanta!

Now I am here waiting . . .

These hard things keep happening, you literally can't win them all, and I am very thankful that I am flying home to the best family ever, and also four very fuzzy cats, and exciting work with Ben on our Deliverables and all the pre-pre-pro for the next movie.

Wish I were there now . . .

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