Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Digs

They moved us to another hospital in the Swedish system, onto a spare and businesslike surgical ward, into a shared room with no potential for a cot. We are not amused. The neighbor in the next bed, while very nice, has loud guests behind the thin curtain.

Mom is trying to sleep and can't.

We were so spoiled in that private room all week at Cherry Hill :(

When I asked if I could have a cot, they said, basically, it was about the patient, not about me.


I want to stay to be here FOR the patient, you un-compassionate poops. For comfort and company and a thousand little things that you do not get to.

I am concerned that if she gets nervous at night she will have to deal with her somewhat iffy roommate.

So it goes.

Praying that she will be comforted and fine and get some sleep.

Trying not to whine, for her sake, but to be upbeat.

AH! They found me a foldout chair, not great but better than nothing. Staying.

Tomorrow we find out more.

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