Friday, August 22, 2008

Day Three and Four - Jet Lag Cubed

I feel pretty horrible. We are still not sleeping properly. The first night in the London hotel was a nightmare of Terry waking me up all night from his snoring - I stopped counting at the twentieth time I had to shake or nudge him to make him stop. The most rest I got was only for a few minutes at a time. We had to get out early to catch an 8:30 train up to Stratford, and the train ride itself was nightmarishly horrible. I kept trying to fall asleep but was unable to because of a really loud, rude, fighting family (American Mom, Pakistani Dad, very snotty English teen) that would not shut up for the four hour trip. Also every time Terry or Tallis brushed against me I woke up. No sleep there, I was in tears by the end of the trip (as I am right now flared up to a pain level of 9.9 and trying not to breathe the cigar and cigarette smoke where we are sitting in the yard of the RSC Courtyard Theatre - only place we know of with wifi in town).

That afternoon we put our luggage in the B & B and took a bus in to Stratford where we saw a halfway decent production of that ever-uplifting play "Merchant of Venice", and where we spend three hours waiting in line (some in the rain) to see David Tennant and Patrick Stewart do "Hamlet" - we almost made it in but were four people short of a ticket. In sadness we went to dinner, at a nice pub called the "Rose and Crown" and I devoured a Shepherd's Pie and felt a bit better.

Back by cab to the B & B where we fell into bed around ten and slept much better, Terry and I only woke each other up a couple of times to stop the snoring, but even though we ostensibly slept most of the night we are all still exhausted today.

It is our fourth day here and all I want to do is sleep. We saw the Birthplace and the Nash House this morning, through various fogs of consciousness. I hurt a great deal and am trying to overcome the grumpies, and the brain fog, and I need to stop crying before we have lunch with Tony Hill. Whom Terry and I both adore. And haven't seen in many years. Time for some acting.

This is such an amazing opportunity and I really want to maximize it, but somehow I have to overcome this exhausted bod. I think I might be able to convince the guys that we all need a nap after lunch, they are looking a bit peaked too. And Terry had to haul this computer in to town in hus backpack because the wifi is down at the B & B (along with the shower).

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