Sunday, August 17, 2008

Way to much to do

Terry and Theo leave tomorrow for L.A. where Terry will deposit Theo at his folks' house - may they be forever blessed and shielded from all discomfort - and Terry leaves Tuesday from L.A. as, sort of simultaneously, Tallis and I leave Tuesday from Seattle, all to rendezvous in London somehow.

I still have not seen an intinerary but trust that one is forthcoming . . . :)

Mom came over for a nice grilled-cheese lunch (I of course drank my organic smoothie) and watched us flurry around for a bit before departing with good wishes.

I need to take the camera I got for the trip back to the store as it is in some ways inferior to the 4 year old one I already had.

And I left my raincoat up at Towhee, where it must stay - need to go to REI to get another.

Many such errands.

It is getting pretty exciting. So much to do that my Middle Earth time is very limited - weaning slowly from my daily sojourn in hobbit land. We are going to the Real Middle Earth *grin* so the virtual one looks a bit pale in comparison!

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