Monday, December 1, 2008


We did absolutely nothing most of the weekend up here at Mom's cabin, except of course that Terry cooked the Thanksgiving dinner and did a bang-up job, and we have just sort of vegged all weekend. It is an utter delight being up here with just the four of us and Mom. Talk about Thankful!!!

It is so quiet up here . . . except when we let Theo watch the "Spongebob" marathon heh heh. And then I had this little bout with what started as a scary pain in my chest . . . the very nice local EMTs came and did an EKG at midnight, and said I was fine but that Tallis was right to have me call them . . . I was really embarrassed. They said better safe than sorry. Whew.

I wish we didn't have to go tomorrow . . .

Oh and I blocked this - we had a horrific and vitriolic attack by our Dear Crazy Neighbor - seems he was watching like a hawk from his house as we took Theo down to the dock to fish with his new fishing pole, and Dear Crazy Neighbor descended upon us in a rage because Mom had sat on a log by the side of the trail at the dock head, with her feet on the trail - video camera in hand, he tried to catch us in the act of breaking some weird rule in his head that she was somehow "on his property". Arrrggh. Made Theo very upset, and I cried . . . He shouted "Get on the dock or leave my property!" , then accused us of lying, saying folks had come to his house and said we were liars, and as he left his toxically-furious parting shot was "It's gonna be a great summer!"

Am praying for him . . . the man needs serious help . . .

1 comment:

Invincible Sword Goddess said...

Hope you are feeling better
I miss the San Juans and all that graces these Isles of Yore (much like the Goats of Gort... wait those were different Isles of Yore)